Florida Driller - Print Advertising
Florida Driller is the top publication in the state that keeps Florida’s ground water professionals informed about important industry related information. The Florida Driller is printed quarterly and sent to over 700 members of the FGWA, as well as other state and national associations, and government entities all over the country. FGWA Classified Line Advertising Available. Classified Line Print Ads will run in one issue of the publication and on FGWA’s website for 60 days. FGWA Editorial Opportunities: Florida Driller readers want to know about the latest in technology, research, education and more. Contact FGWA to talk about editorial opportunities. "Cycle Stop Valves has advertised in the Driller Magazine for almost 20 years. Hard earned marketing dollars well spent!" - KAREN AUSTIN, CYCLE STOP VALVES, INC., LUBBOCK , TX RATES PER ISSUE (4 color ads)
Poly bag your catalog, brochure or product sample along with the Florida Driller for less than the cost of direct postage to our readership. MATERIAL DEADLINE1st Quarter - Feb. 7 / 2nd Quarter - May 9 / 3rd Quarter - August 8 / 4th Quarter - November 7 CLASSIFIED LINE ADVERTISINGAd will include a maximum of 50 words and will run in one issue of the publication and on FGWA’s website for 60 days. AD SIZES FOR DRILLERAll artwork MUST be received in electronic format with accompanying match print. Ads must be saved as high-resolution PDF files, Tiff files or EPS files. All artwork resolution must be a minimum of 300 dpi at the printed size. EPS files must be accompanied by all graphics and fonts (both screen and printer versions). Quark Express or Adobe Illustrator files must be converted to EPS or PDF files. All ad materials must be received by the publisher by the deadline date. When new materials are not received by the closing date, the publisher will repeat the latest ad of similar size. If there was no previous insertion, the client is liable for the cost of the contracted space not used, and the unused space will be allocated at the discretion of the publisher. Contact: Justin Mischler, FGWA Driller Advertising Director, at (850) 205-5641 or email [email protected]. |