FGWA Board of Director Nominations

The nomination process closed on January 5, 2025. 

The Florida Ground Water Association Board consists of a maximum of fifteen (15) members elected by the Association membership.  There are 3 in person meetings per year and interim conference calls as needed.

Board Responsibilities
The Board of Directors is responsible for leading and governing our Association.  Board roles and responsibilities include:

  • Determining the Association’s mission and purpose.
  • Ensure effective long term strategic planning exists to assure the Association remains relevant.
  • Ensure adequate resources and internal controls exist for safeguarding the Association’s assets.
  • Determine, monitor, and strengthen the Association’s programs/services, with attention to forecasting future needs of members and development of programs to address those needs.
  • Enhancing the image and public standing of the Association.
  • Enhancing the image and public standing of the groundwater industry.
  • Ensuring legal and ethical integrity and maintaining accountability.
  • Select, support and assess the performance of the Chief Staff Executive.

Association Board Directors serve in a volunteer role and are not compensated for their service.  The Association annually budgets for 1-2 nights of accommodations and travel during the Board members’ attendance at Board meetings.  Board members are required to act within their authority, to exercise due care, and to observe fiduciary responsibilities in acting on behalf of the Association’s members and for the Association’s benefit.

Benefits of Serving

  • Opportunity and responsibility to plan and shape the direction of FGWA.
  • Opportunity and responsibility to share business knowledge and apply professional and personal skills.
  • Opportunity to practice and learn association leadership and governance skills.
  • Networking with leaders in the groundwater industry.
  • Opportunity to work with Association staff on various projects and activities.
  • Opportunity to work with industry partners to grow the groundwater industry.
  • Opportunity to support and advance the mission of the FGWA Scholarship and Political Action Campaign.
  • Opportunity to leave a legacy of sound leadership and management of your professional Association.

Election Service Terms
Each Director shall be elected to serve a term of three years or until his/her successor is elected and qualified.  Board members can be re-elected to their position or move to another position on the Board of Directors.

Experience and Qualifications
Participation as a Board Director of the Florida Ground Water Association should not be regarded lightly.  A great responsibility rests on the Board of Directors to work so that the Association continues to move forward in a focused and strategic manner that will assure its future.

The Nominating Committee questions are designed to elicit responses that will demonstrate the following experience and skill set of the candidate:

  • Professional Experience – business planning and management, problem solving, legal knowledge, building effective teams, project management, public speaking, media relations, delegation, and process improvement.
  • Strategic Thinking – strategic rather than tactical thinking, openness to change, visioning and long term planning, project planning and tracking, and innovation.
  • Volunteer Experience – non-profits or for-profit community organizations, officer and/or leadership roles, knowledge of FGWA, member in good standing, willingness to participate in FGWA activities, demonstrate leadership commitment and involvement, and FGWA volunteer experience.
  • Interpersonal Skills – approachability, team player, communication, listening, relationship building, conflict management, consensus building, and negotiating.
  • Knowledge of the groundwater industry – passion for groundwater and FGWA’s mission and vision, understanding of groundwater challenges and opportunities, knowledge of the groundwater industry.

FGWA Experience and Certification

  • Must be a member in good standing for a minimum of 1 year and preferably active participation in the associations meetings and educational opportunities.
  • Must be in maintenance of good standing with any applicable licensing or regulatory status within the last year or since the last date of compliance with the same.

Personal Characteristics

  • Passion for groundwater.
  • Strong team player who is willing to listen, analyze, think clearly and creatively, speak on point to issues, and work well with people individually and in a group.
  • Sensitive to and tolerant of differing views; friendly, responsive and patient approach to others; and a sense of humor.
  • Willing to prepare for and attend Board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility and follow through on assignments in a timely manner, realizing this may require time spent outside of your normal work period.
  • Willingness to make the time and financial commitment required to meet the responsibilities of an Association Board member.
  • Willingness to leverage personal network and contacts to open doors for meeting Association goals.
  • Embraces FGWA’s core values including professionalism, diversity, honesty, integrity, respect, honor, and friendship.

The Association’s Nominating Committee (comprised of Directors not up for election to the Board of Directors in the coming year) is charged with the responsibility of recruiting and screening candidates.  The Nominating Committee may eliminate candidates that have not demonstrated their qualifications for the office for which they are nominated or for which they have applied.  The Committee will review all information on candidates, determine which meet the minimum established criteria, evaluate the leadership capacity of the candidate as demonstrated in written responses to questions, and advance a slate of candidates to the Board of Directors.  The slate, as approved by the Board of Directors, will be sent to the membership for final consideration 30 days from the commencement of the Annual Membership Meeting which will then be presented to the membership for final approval.

Available Positions
All positions are installed at the Annual Membership Meeting which begins the term of office.

Critical Dates/Deadlines
Director Solicitation Deadline – November 1 – January 5
Slate presented to the FGWA Board of Directors – first Board Meeting of the year
Slate presented to Membership – 30 days prior to the commencement of the Annual Membership Meeting
Results Announced – Annual Membership Meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Convention

Interested or Have Questions? 
Contact the FGWA Office:
Danielle Jessup
FGWA Executive Director
325 John Knox Rd. Suite L103
Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850) 205-5641
[email protected]